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Monday 29 April 2019

Lanchester collage of Middle Eastern City workshop

Collage using a 12x12 inch variegated sheet from the Works with magazine offcuts.

For the Cairo painting the pyramids where formed using a cut stencil and Distress ink from Ranger.

The main domes and minarets where placed in their approximate positions and remaining spaces filled with random offcuts maintaining verticals and horizontals. The sky remained the colour of the substrate.

Black lines using Uniball waterproof for the thin lines and Sharpie for the broader lines where used to indicated windows, doors, smaller domes, battlements and roofs.

Transparent burnt sienna was used to indicate the shallow behind the building with a blue glace added when dry to deepen the colour.

My efforts

Some of the members work after two sessions -still line work and shading to do

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