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Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Rothbury demonstration of watercolour coast scene

Only five people for the demo but everyone seemed to enjoy it. Coastal scene of Chourdon Point south of Seaham Harbour on the North Sea coast of County Durham. 15 x 10.5 inches on Bockingford 200 lb paper. This time I did tape the paper to board at the top and bottom to set a good example as a normally just allow the paper to bow after the first wash but it soon flattens on drying.

Showed three examples of lifting out 
  1. Using wet cotton wool balls to create a soft edge as for clouds .
  2. Using a draughtsman erasing shield with cotton wool or 'magic eraser sponge ' to create a definite shape such as circle for the sun or overlapping small circles to create sheep in a green field without having to paint round them.
  3. Using a damp half inch synthetic brush to lift back paint.

 I use Bockingford wood pulp paper as the paint sits on the surface so non-staining pigments can easily removed. I do not like Saunders Waterford or Arches paper as I find the paper absorbs the colour giving a flatten tone and more difficult to remove.

My other bad habit is to always paint with a rigger after the main washes are done ignoring the smaller brushes. I find it easily to control the mixture of colours in a single wash and flattening the hairs to give a broken line.

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